Thursday, October 8, 2009

Greetings from Milan

I arrived safely yesterday, and after good night's sleep, went off to explore the city today. Spent the morning at the Cathedral (Duomo). Cleaning of the facade and most of the exterior has just been completed, and it's splendid and bright. This is certainly one of the finest and most elaborate of all Gothic Cathedrals, and the lace-like delicate tracery and detail is just unending. Both the statuary and the stained glass windows are rich and varied, including a modern (1988) one of Blessed Cardinal Schuster, with an unusual depiction of the Good Shepherd. I was disappointed that the ancient baptistery is closed for further excavation and restoration.

After lunch of a great caprese salad and mediocre carbonara, I visited the Basilica of St. Ambrose, built by him the 4th century, which houses his tomb along with Sts. Gervase and Protase, and then to the Basilica of St. Lawrence Martyr, which part of which was also built in the 4th century and houses several splendid mosaics and frescoes of the same era.

Time to call it an evening. Tomorrow I'm taking the train to Venice.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Fr. Tom, all the way to Italy for Andrew can whip up a great one! I am following your blog and except for the rain, sounds very fascinating. Thank you for sharing. I am learning a lot! Phyllis GSBH


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