Thursday, January 21, 2010

A bishop goes to Mass!

I have often felt that the one thing that would most improve the celebration of our liturgies would be for priests to go to Mass once in a while. I mean join their fellow baptized members of the Body of Christ in the pews, and actually experience what they routinely subject their flock to. I try to do that from time to time, even in my own parish, though not as often as I should.

I was delighted to discover that a bishop does that too! And even has the courage to write about it. God bless Bishop Tobin, and I'd like to suggest to my fellow priests that we all might benefit from a serious and consistent imitation of his practice. I know our people would.

During vacation this summer I followed my normal practice of attending Sunday Mass as a “private citizen,” that is, in secular attire, with the congregation, in the pews. Even though I truly cherish the privilege of leading the liturgy as I do almost every Sunday, it’s also refreshing once in awhile to be on the other side of the altar.

Doing so allows me to avoid the public spotlight, eliminates the pressure of having to prepare a homily, and helps me to return to the ministry relaxed and ready to go.Whenever I join the rank-and-file, it’s amazing how quickly I assume the characteristics of what might be considered the “typical Catholic.” ... Read the rest.

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