InterAction has a very extensive list of faith-based organizations that are providing disaster relief aid for Haiti. Everyone should find one (or several) that most matches his or her interests and desires for being of service.
There are several places to get news about Haiti and the aftermath of its devastating earthquake that you might not find in the usual media outlets.
Since the country is more than 80% Catholic, obviously the Catholic sources will give us an important perspective, and have on-the-scene connections that many others don't.
Catholic News Service
Catholic News Agency
National Catholic Reporter
Other sites I've run across:
The Wikipedia 2010 Haiti Earthquake page is being constantly updated, and contributors draw from many sources.
HaitiXchange also has instructions for getting Google Earth satellite images of the devastation in Port-au-Prince
Below are three pictures of the Cathedral in P0rt-au-Prince (Our Lady of the Assumption -- Cathédrale Notre-Dame de L'Assomption).
First, from the ground, before and after.
Google Earth satellite picture of the Cathedral before:

...and after:

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